#MEET4IMPACT’s unique methodology has been designed to help organisations create the greatest possible impact through any activity they undertake. This can be key to gaining the competitive edge in your field whilst also ensuring your activities and events positively impact both people and planet.
We specialise in supporting you to report on your effectiveness in carrying out your social mission, in a similar way that one would report on financial results. Tracking the impact generated is essential to ensuring whether the desired outcomes have been achieved. #MEET4IMPACT will support you to define, manage, measure and maximise the social impact of your activities or events.
#MEET4IMPACT strives to empower clients to generate impact in their various communities, to democratise the benefits that events can bring.
The BE Impactful Framework

Our proprietary measurement framework using the Community Capitals Theory (Emory & Flora, 2006) demonstrates all the ways in which social value can be created through events. Using this framework, we can hone in on your social impact priorities and ensure that your outcomes contribute to the change you strive to create through your business activities.
Virtual and hybrid events
Capturing the impact of virtual events is part of the new normal, and we are committed to finding new ways to track and communicate this impact in a meaningful way. Moving events online or creating hybrid events unlocks a whole new world of possibilities, improving access and centring the local. We can help you stay ahead of the curve by finding these opportunities and using them to your advantage
SDGs and the social impact ecosystem
The UN Sustainable Development Goals are the best known framework for communicating your contribution towards achieving national and global social impact targets. This will help you purposefully convey your impact to a wide range of stakeholders.
The #MEET4IMPACT methodology is based on research and cutting edge industry practice, ensuring that we are building on systems in place to maximise our potential as impact facilitators. Indicators and outcomes from institutions including the GRI, IMP, ISO and UN SDGs form a core part of our work. We continually review and update our methodology to ensure it is in tune with the wider social impact ecosystem as well as the global events industry.
NOTE: Our conceptual framework is underpinned by research done on the Community Capitals by Mary Emery & Cornelia Flora (2006) published as "Spiraling-Up: Mapping Community Transformation with Community Capitals Framework, Community Development", 37:1, 19-35, DOI: 10.1080/15575330609490152